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System of Classification for Daffodils
Due to the fact that there are thousands of daffodil
varieties, it has been necessary to divide them into twelve distinct
classifications. These classifications are described below.
The classification of each daffodil is based on
its description and measurement. A daffodil is described by the petals
colour and the cups colour. The petal is described by using the colour
code starting at the outside of the petal and working the way towards
the centre. The cup is also described by using the colour code starting
with the inside and ending at the rim of the cup.
This colour code used to describe the daffodil colour
is as follows:
- G - green
- O - orange
- P - pink
- R - red
- W - white
- Y - yellow
- P - Pink
As an example we'll use Hollywood. The written
format would be 2YO. It falls into classification 2, has
yellow petals and an orange cup. If the petals and the
cup are the same colour only one letter is needed.
1 - Trumpet Daffodils
One flower on stem and the trumpet as long or
longer than its petals. |
2: Large-cupped Daffodils
One flower on each stem and the cup at least
a third but not longer than the petals. |
3: Small-cupped Daffodils
One flower on each stem with its cup up to one
third of petal length |
4: Double Daffodils
As the name suggests consists of fully double
flowers and sometimes a double corona only. These can be one-stemmed
or have multiple flowers on the one stem |
5: Triandrus Daffodils
Normally two or three nodding flowers on each
stem and are generally shorter than other classifications. |
6: Cyclamineus Daffodils
Similiar to Triandrus with nodding flowers and
swept back petals, but differs in two ways; hardly ever having more
than one flower on each stem and having a longer corona |
7: Jonquilla Daffodils
Two-three flowers on each stem with the leaves
a darker green than other classifications |
8: Tazetta Daffodils
Can be up to 20 or more flowers on each stem
with its cups rounded and like the Jonquilla the leaves are of a
dark green in colour |
9: Poeticus Daffodils
Similiar to class 3 as both have small cup sizes
with one flower on each stem however these have pure white petals
and flat flared cups of bright colours |
10: Bulbocodium Hybrids
Small flowers which resemble form of a petticoat
hoop |
11: Split-Corona Daffodils
Have a split corona of at least one third of
its length and a very frilled rim |
12: Others
Daffodil varieties not falling into any of the
previous classifications |
13: Misc
All species, especially wild forms. |